Your Care Is Unique To Your Needs

At Laser Chiropractic our main focus is chiropractic adjustment. We utilize a specific and gentle adjustment technique that is safe and effective for every member of your family. The chiropractic adjustment relieves pressure from the nerves around the spinal cord, allowing those nerves to function properly. When the body´s nervous system is free of pressure and interference, it can work at its optimal level. Chiropractic care helps with a multitude of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Allergies/Asthma

  • Constipation

  • Digestive conditions

  • Migraines and Headaches

  • Fatigue

  • Autoimmune Disease

  • Whiplash

  • Disc pathologies

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Sciatica/Hip pain

  • Nerve pain

  • Dizziness/Vertigo

  • Foot pain + Knee pain

What To Expect

You will be asked to complete the new patient forms. If you would like you could head on over to our "New Patient Forms" and fill those out before you arrive. To receive a PIN please Schedule an Appointment.

Every patient receives a Consultation with Dr. Laser to discuss health-related concerns and potential treatment options. This initial visit is designed for Dr. Laser to learn more about you, your condition, and expectations to determine what role chiropractic can play in your health and healthcare goals.

After your initial consultation, Dr. Laser will perform a thorough examination that tests your reflexes and flexibility/range of motion along with neurological, orthopedic, postural and physical tests will be performed as permitted. However, nothing will be performed in our office without your full consent prior.

Depending on your condition and past history X-ray Studies may be needed. X-rays help us develop an accurate diagnosis and come up with the most effective treatment plan for you. X-rays alert us about serious spinal conditions. Most people are amazed once they see their X-rays up close and explained to them. In some cases, they can even identify their misalignments and degeneration themselves. At Laser Chiropractic we believe "To see is to know". With X-ray we know exactly how and where we can treat you.

After your initial appointment, you can choose to experience your first treatment. We call this a Relief Treatment.

Report Of Findings

Once Dr. Laser collects all the information from your history and exams she will give you a detailed Report of Findings of everything she found, how she would like to assist you in treating the condition, and answer any questions including:

  • How can you help me?

  • How often do I need to come in?

  • What will my treatment cost?

After reviewing your health history, examining your spine and reviewing X-rays(if necessary), Dr. Laser will discuss recommendations and notify you if your condition requires care with other providers.  Dr. Laser will provide the best care for your individual needs.*Most of the time this report is presented on the second visit after Dr. Laser has a chance to study the X-rays, health history, and your examination.